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This is a bot for the browser game OGame. OGame is a browser-based, money-management and space-war themed massively multiplayer online browser game with over two million accounts.

Du hast keine Lust auf Werbung oder auf Tracking? Dann ist Pi-hole genau das richtige für dich. In dem Artikel zeige ich dir was du für PI-hole benötigst und installierst.

The MedDoser is a RaspberryPi 3 Model B equipped with a touchscreen and some other components and helps patients to remember to take their medications.

It offers acoustic and visual memory functions and provides a history that gives the opportunity to track the ingestions to the exact day and time. The information of the respective medication is based on the doctor-prescribed medication plan on sheet of paper, whose barcode can be scanned. The read data is provided in a user interface that is operated exclusively with the finger. The user also has the option to manually adjust reminder times for each ingestion time of the day.

Das Problem eines Entwicklers ist, dass immer wieder kleine Snippets entwickeln werden müssen, obwohl diese bereits in einem Projekt entwickelt worden sind. Dieses Projekt ist eine Sammlung nützlicher Snippets in der Entwicklungssprache C#, die immer wieder verwendet werden können. Feel free to contribute.

"The problem of a developer is that you have to develop small snippets again and again, even though they have already been developed in a project. This project should contain a collection of useful snippets that you use over and over again.Feel free to expand this collection."